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Guides and helpful content to get the most out of PowerNotes.
A quick step-by-step guide on how to get set up on PowerNotes and start organizing your research.
PowerNotes has introduced PowerNotes+, a new reading, research, and writing platform for higher and K–12 institutions, educators, and students that offers AI tools and features.
Short videos demonstrating major features for undergraduate and law students.
A complete rundown of all PowerNotes features and how to use them.
Save, organize, and track all of your content, whether it’s in a professor’s syllabus or something you found.
Freeform notes allow you to add a thought, a note on a non-digital source, or anything else to your work.
Automatically process PDFs to be compatible with note-taking.
Keep track of citation information and export it into a variety of formats.
Learn how to share a project to receive feedback or to collaborate with a team.
Learn how to take class notes and do legal research with PowerNotes.
How users are making PowerNotes tools and features work best for them.
A running list of all updates made to the PowerNotes platform.
Check to see if you're a member of a PowerNotes partner institution.